Monday, March 20, 2006

Melting Heart

It is amazing that time really flies... he is already 8 months old !!
It is amazing how much he has changed and how much he has learned ...
His personality is really starting to show now...

I would have loved to stayed with him all day and play with him.... but I have to work...
He is learning to kiss mummy and daddy... and when he kisses you, your heart really just melt...

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Forever Ramblings...

Meeting an old friend, really brought up some memory of some old flames...
Are we married man allowed to day dream/think about our old flames?
Do I have regrets with my past relationships, hell yes?
The First one always hard to forget and I still think of her often.
what should I do, I know I can't discuss it with my wife, cause this would definately be a disaster.

What do I think about?
Well, like how are they now?
What I could I have done to change the past mistake?
Remember the good old times without the resposibilities etc...

Awkward moment of silence

Have you ever bump into a long lost friend, have a quick chat with them and then, there was a moment of silence where both of you can't decide what to do next?
We haven't seen each other for over 5 years, we were semi-closed once (eg we had hours long chats on the phone about life and such)
So what do we do;
Do we hug, exhange contact details and promise to meet up again?
Do we hug, exhange contact details and promise to meet up again, but never do?
Do we just smile and say well it was nice to see you again and walk away?

Well we smile and walk away in the opposite direction.... what would you have done?

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Real Life simpson!!

This is freaking weird.
After years for seeing the four fingers family it is werid to see them in real life.

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