Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Christmas Recap ...

So how is everyones Christmas?
Did you get your much deserved presents?

Here is what I got:
Bruce Lee T Shirt
Box of Mrs Field Cookies
A few christmas card, and
A Fighting fish in nice fish bowl.

Nothing to write home/blog about but I guess it is better than nothing =)
Man what I would not give to be a kid again in this era, everywhere I go, kids are given awesome hi-tech toys!
No longer are they given legos and figurines, they are now given x-boxes and PS2 !!....

Anyway so what else did I do?

24th: Work, last minute shopping. Cook for the inlaws and then Midnight Mass. After the Mass they came back to our place and ate again... they did not leave till 3 am.... man I don't know about them but I was sure tired by then.

25th: Recuperate from Midnight Mass. Lunch at some friends place, watch Resident Evil (what a waste of time). Then Dinner some inlaws place. We had to celebrate the boss's Grandma birthday.

26th: Rest day. Stayed at home and ate leftovers =)

27th: Took some visitors from the south on a drive around Sydney. We went to Fox Studios and Paddys Market.

28th: Went to a Christening. The only good thing about the event was the food.

29th: I took some annual leave, so I had the good fortune to stay at home and do nothing but watch DVDs and read my book.
I saw the Classic movie, The Princess Bride and read "The Last Guardian" by David Gemmel.

30th : Watch LORT: Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers! In anticipation of watching the final installament.
Had to clean up after the "Boss" Little Brother! He is close to eight years old, he knows how to read and write, but yet he spills everything he touches!
The worst thing is that he laughs about it. He is not punish for him silliness, but he is coddled. I guess I can't blame it since he is the youngest and he is spoiled. But wht can't they discpline the damn kid!

Today: New Years Eve. I don't know what is plan yet, but I am sure I am going to see the inlaws again....Woo Pee Doo... =P

Anyway Wish you all enjoy a save New Year Eve party and an Awesome New Year.


Tuesday, December 23, 2003

A year in 20 words ...

Stumble on to this interesting site called The Mayfly Project. The idea is to sum up your year in 20 words or less.

So since we are on the last legged of the year 2003, I think it would be great to sum up my life in 20 words.

My First try was this: Got married. Moved out of home. In debt. Getting Bored. Need New Challenge at work.

What is yours?

Friday, December 19, 2003

Friday night =P

Guess when I am going to be tonight...
No Not at the Pub with the boys...
Not doing the last minute christmas shopping
Not spending quality time with the Mrs...

But I am going to my inlaws... YEah!! =P
Oh don't get me wrong I like my inlaws... but do I have to stay with them ??...
Yep that is right.. the boss is missing her folks during the festive season and she wants to sleep over at her parents place...

So rather than finishing the week with a nice sleep at our comfortable bed.. we are going to sleep at her parents place and sleep on the floor, with no A/C and probably a dodgey little fan!

Jeez do you know how hot it is at the moment in Syd... the average temp is in the hight 30's ... yummy!
So tonight I am going to roast and have a sore back... Great =)

Merry Christmas =)

Spidey 2!

The Trailer for Spidey 2 is out!SpiderMan 2 Trailer. Man it is awesome!!
I think that Tobey is growing on me as Peter Parker and what can I say, Kristen is pretty hot as MJ.

I can't wait for it to come out on the screen. Doc Ock looks great and the CG claws looks mad.

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

How to get your girlfriend to read Comics?..

Read this funny article from UGO, titled What Women Want: Comic Buying Guide
. This author fancy himself as a "PLAYA" and a Comic Connoisseur, but I think he is just a geek who likes comics and girls, but in anycase he is pretty funny.

But the most funny thing was the statement he wrote at the end..."In conclusion, women are strange and wondrous creatures. Without them life wouldn't be worth living, but with them it's an unendurable hell. That is until they become comic fans. Then it's more like purgatory. And purgatory isn't really that bad."

And gentleman.... that is So TRUE!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Why am I broke?

Why is that when I was single and working, I had tonnes of money.... I had no money worries, but now
that we are together and both of us are working, we are both broke!!

Why is 1 + 1 = 0 rather than 1 + 1 = 2 ???

Another day another dollar

So here I am, less than 10 days to christmas and I have yet to buy a present for "the boss", I am in trouble =P
But what can I do, by the time I finish work, most of the shops are close!
Man do I hate Aussie shops!! Why do they closed so early! This is one thing I miss about KL, there are always good food available and great shops to buy stuff when ever you want =)

And I hate weekends, one because I have to work at my dads place on sunday and the amount of people out shoppin and is crazy. Since the weather is now hot and dry, most people will find their sanctuary in the shopping malls. Also with the school holidays it is just crazy.

So what am I to do ?

Should I secretly take a day off for pressies shopping or should I just try to fight the masses on the weekend and try to get something last minute.

any suggestions?

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Nigel Kennedy

For over twenty years, Kennedy has been acknowledged as one of the world’s leading violin virtuosos whose unique talent has brought fresh perspectives and a quantum energy to both the classical and contemporary repertoire.

I had the pleasure of listening him play 2 years ago, when he was in Sydney and now I am again given the gift of experiencing this amazing talent, playing his most famous music. And let me tell you it was amazing!!

Since there was no conductor, he was controlling the who Sydney Symphony, which mean you can see and listen to his improvisations on all the concertos.

His dry Englsh wit is also a bonus, it is funny to see all the fuddy duddy at the concert cringe when he makes an inappropriate joke =) We even had audience participation in some of the music!! (in a classical concert! Yikes) During the Winter movement, the Audience had to shout "Oui"

To top this off, he final piece was "Purple Haze" by Jimi Hendrix. That really rock the theatre! You should have been there ... You would have loved his music =) The concert was suppose to finish at 10pm but it went close to midnight!

Man am I tired now, but it was definitely a concert worth missing some sleep for. =)

Warning Don't click here

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Four Season!!

I am going to watch Nigel Kennedy tonight at the Opera House!!

He is back in Oz to perform the piece which made him a household name in the 80's, Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons.

This is going to be Awesome!

I'll let you all know tomorrow, how awesome it was.

Lingo to Words

Found this awesome site which translate all lingo and acronyms into real wordswww.lingo2word.com.

Here is an example:

D Lingo D Definition

RTFM Read the F**king manual
RTFM Read the F**king message
RTFM Read the fine manual

Friday, December 05, 2003

Rain Rain go away ...

It is Friday, which means soccer day. Unfortunately due to the constant down pour, we were forced to delay the game. It was after 1 pm and it was still raining, so we decided that despite the fact, the show must go on. It is our last Friday in this old building and our old field!

So 9 brave soul ran out to the cold wet field and we played! And God did we play!
Imagine 9 grown man playing soccer in a middle of a thunder storm.... We were all soaking wet!!

We were slipping and slidding all over the field or should I call it mud!
We have mud on our face and determinations in our eyes!
It was amazing. The harder the rain poured, the harder we played! And believe me, the sky was not happy that we were out having fun!!

Luckily for us the sky gave up before us =)
The rain stopped but we continued!
In the end our ageing body was the victor and we called it the end.
We played for over an hour under the rain. It was amazing, it really reminded me of the time when I was young, under the malaysian sky doing the same thing. Sweet memory!

After the game, guess what happen... We went back to work HAHAHA!
You may ask, did we shower??... HAHAAH
NO!! We did not shower... The whole floor stink of man sweat!! Yeah baby... You should smell it now!!

Enjoy you weekend!

Thursday, December 04, 2003

The most unforgetable quote of the year

There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know.
There are known unkowns. That is to say, there are things we know we don't know.
But, there are also unknown unknowns. These are things we don't know we don't know.
-- (Rumsfield knows how to knowingly confuse his knowledgable Audience at a Pentagon briefing)

We are off to see the wizard....

Man today I am such bludger. It is 14:00 and I have yet to do anything at all =P
Since are all planning to move, the whole day has been throwing out all my old notes and document and packing up all the stuff I have collected during my stay on my old cubicle. It is amazing how much junk you collect in less than 2 years. I filled up 2 box full of notes to send to my spanking new cubicle. Did I tell you that I am going to have a Window seat...and it is currently summer time!! Yeah baby!!

So back to my relaxing day today. So I spend a few hours packing my desk then I had to help my boss to packup out cabinet where we stock out PS2s and Xboxes =) I suggested that rather than letting the movers to move the stuff to the new office, I should take the PS2 and xbox home for safe keeping ... Good idea right?
Fortunately for my wife I am not going to do that, cause if I do, she would not see me for the whole weekend HAHAHAH!!.

So here I am now blogging, while I am trying to look busy. So what should I do next... I am bored. I tried browsing the net and read all my regular blogs eg, Mum-Mum, minishorts,SixthSeal and CowBoy Caleb

Any suggestion to help me out of boredom??...

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

We are finally moving

After over a year or rumours, we are finally leaving our dump of an office and moving into a new building! YEAH!
Brand new building which is situated 5 mins away from where I am currently living! Double Yeah!

So before the end of the week, I'll have to clean my cubicle and throw away all the junk I have accumulated in over the years. This is going to be awesome. I check out the my new desk yesterday and it looks awesome. The new desk is double the one I am having now, so my 2 computers will have plenty of space. I have also a high tech chair which I am told cost a grand each. Let me tell you it is comfortable... But I am sure glad I don't have to pay for it.

I also have a window seat! Triple YEAH!
I will have perfect view of the people coming out of the train station which is under us. And since there are plenty of café near the station.. I am finally able to buy some nice food near work, unlike now where I have to bring food from home or get some greasy and expensive food from the local cafeteria. Man what I would not give for a Wonton noodle soup right about now or a nice delicious Konlon mee.

Man Talking about food is now making me hungry.. So I am going to go home now and eat some home cook meal.


Tuesday, December 02, 2003

I am Yellow =P

Stole this from Wena


You are very perceptive and smart. You are clear and to the point and have a great sense of humor. You are always learning and searching for understanding.

Find out your color at Quiz Me!

Monday, December 01, 2003

My Life

So here I am, another year older and none the wiser.
I celebrated my birthday with a small group of friends on the weekend. I have known them since my Uni days. I would say they are my closest friends. We are all around the same age, each of us are now in the age range where we are getting married. In the group about half of us are married. It is strange really since the person who was most likely to be married first is still single, whereas like me I was loud and proud Bachelor enjoy home cook meal from my popo and working in IT. But I guess, fate had other plan for me.

So here I am in my late 20s and I am still undecided on what I want to do for the rest of my life. I don’t think I can work in my current position for too much longer. I need new challenges or I’ll just get to bored. I fear that if I am in my position for too long, I’ll be too comfortable in it and I’ll never have the courage to leave my comfort zone.

What is next in my journey?
Should I stay in my comfort zone or should I leave?
Should I do what is expected and become a dad?...yikes that is scary.
Or should I climb up to the next mountain and see what the next valley have to offer me?

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