Thursday, October 28, 2004

Blast from the past

So what do you do when you ex emails you from Malaysia after a long silence?
Do you still try to re-kindle some kind of friendship? or do you just let it go?
I have known her since we were in 3rd grade primary school, she was my first one and only long distance relationship. They say that you can never forget your first love and I tend to agree with them.

My wife would definately not appreciate this sudden appreance from her. I don't think I can even tell her about it, cause she would absolutely explode and thinks that I would leave her for my ex =P

I must say I am curious on how she is going and what have she been up to? Is that strange? Can this be dangerous?

So what do I do ?

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

The Best Geeky Quote ......

"Physics is like sex. Sure, it may give some practical results, but that's not why we do it." - R. Feynman

Nobelist Physicist, teacher, storyteller, bongo player

Sunday, October 24, 2004

The Notebook

When to watch the movie, The Notebook on the weekend with my wife. I must confess that it is not one of the movies I would have wanted to watch in the cinema. I choice would have been AvP, but I guess you can’t have everything.

I basically had the whole movie figured out before it started, but I must say that the movie was better than I thought it would be. Oh don’t get me wrong it is definitely a date movie, but I think it would also be a great family movie. The story was simple, the acting was above average, but the message it was trying to send was amazingly powerful.

What happens when your wife/husband/partner begins to forget everything? When he/she suffers from Alzheimer and thinks that you are a stranger. What would you do when the love of your life begins to see you as a stranger…? Do you let go or do you fight?

Double Trouble?

Rachel McAdams

Jeri Ryan

Is it only me or do they look like sisters?

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Hubba Bubba - Angelina Jolie

ANGELINA Jolie has been voted the sexiest woman alive by editors and readers of men's bible Esquire.

Man 'cooked' in giant wok

A MALAYSIAN man allowed himself to be "cooked" for half an hour in a huge wok of steaming dumplings and corn in an offering to Chinese deities during a Taoist festival, a report said today.

A giant steamer cover was placed over temple caretaker Lim Boon Hwa, 56, as he sat cross-legged on a wooden board atop a steaming giant wok yesterday in a temple in northern Kedah state, The Star said.

This was the fourth time Lim was "cooked" to mark the festival, known as the Nine Emperor Gods, the newspaper said.

Monday, October 18, 2004

GF for sale?

She looks not bad..... =P

Girl Friend For SALE...SOLD?

It's a Bird, It's a Plane.....

So how is everyones weekend? Did you do anything exciting? ...Oh What did I do?

Well I jumped off a Cliff and Flew like the BIRD!!!

I was Hang Gliding off a cliff!!

Jumping off the cliff was nerve racking, but the flying was AWESOME!!
I definately recommend it to is a once in a life time
experience =)

Friday, October 15, 2004

Move over red rover....

Finally completed our move to our new office!!
Setting up the network, move the hardware, pack and unpack...damn it is all time consuming!!

But finally I have my own desk, my own phone and I am now even closer to the train station!! woo hoo!

And the added bonus is, I am next to a Krispy Kreme donut shop!!! YUMMY!!
Every morning I can smell the glaze.....Heaven!!

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

From No.8 to Numero Uno!!!

My team in Ultimate Frisbee is on FIRE!!!
In the beginning of the comp we were a slow starter and we were in the 8th position, but last Monday we defeated the Undefeated Number 1 team in the comp!! So now We are on TOP of the pile !!

The Final is Next week and if we win the 2 games, then we are No 1, if not we will still be in the top 4!!. Pretty good for a team which lost the first 2 game in the competition =P

I must say that our team is really getting into a great force, we are throwing better and we are defending better ... Lets hope it keeps up and we can win the comp net week..

Wish me Luck =)

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Personality test

Freudian Inventory Results
Genital (23%) you appear to have a pessimistic and regressive outlook on life.
Latency (66%) you may be using learning as an escape from living.
Phallic (33%) you appear to have negative issues regarding sexuality and/or have an uncertain sexual identity.
Anal (83%) you appear to be overly self controlled, organized, and subservient to authority.
Oral (60%) you appear to have a good balance of independence and interdependence.
Take Free Freudian Inventory Test
personality tests by


The Third Annual Blogger Boobie-Thon. Find a cure and Bust !!

Only covered boobies (hands, props, food items, bras, etc.) will go on the main photos page. There will be a separate, passworded "pay-per-boobie" page for bare-breasts, available to donors of $50.00 or more.

Boobies for a good cause

Bring it ON!!!

Friday, October 01, 2004

Miss Fantastic

Jessica Alba is the new Invisible Girl!!

She can't act to safe her life, but damn!! she is SEXY!!!

Awesome Deal!!

Just got me-self an awesome deal!!
Went to the local mobile reseller and went on a 24 month contract and I get a Sony T610 for free.

And to add to this kick arse phone, I get a FREE IPOD for nothing !!
Just because they like me =P

Sick Freaky....

MORE than 500 Australians could be implicated in Internet child porn as a worldwide investigation continued, Australian Federal Police commissioner Mick Keelty said today.

Is there no safe place for the kids anymore ??!!!
What happen to the days where we can leave our kids out to play at the local park, with no fear of the "strangers"!!

Those sick "F**k" should be taken out the back and get shot!

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